Elive web site

Instructions: Click here if you need some instructions about how to download, record, and boot Elive.

It is strongly suggested to boot from USB even if you can record the image on a DVD, you can also boot from an USB if your old computer doesn't allow it by using our BOOT_USB_from_CD... image, please check these instructions of how to boot elive from a USB which also includes a persistence bonus


[   ]Parent Directory -
[SIG]elive_3.8.32_retro_hybrid_i386.iso.zsync 13M
[SIG]elive_3.8.32_retro_hybrid_amd64.iso.zsync 16M
[SIG]elive_3.8.32_retro_hybrid_amd64.md5 70
[SIG]elive_3.8.32_retro_hybrid_i386.md5 69


You need to download the ISO file and record it as Image Mode
The sig or md5 files are for verify the integrity of the data and the authenticiy of these files

It is recommended to boot Elive from a USB stick instead of a CDrom